Programming Paradigms – What is paradigm | Concepts of Programming Languages | Python tutorial 2

Tutorial 2 in Programming with Python series by @AnsarisBroTech

In this video we are explaining the Programming Paradigms
which form the basis of writings codes in programming languages with its features and concepts.

Programming paradigms are a way to classify programming languages based on their features.

0:30 Programming Paradigms
1:17 Different types of programming paradigms
1:36 Procedural Approach
3:22 Object Oriented Approach
5:13 Event Driven Approach

Notes :

#pythonfullcourse2023 #Paradigms #whatisparadigm #ProgrammingParadigms
#python #proceduralprogramming #objectorientedprogramming #eventdrivenprorgamming #pythondeveloper #pythontutorial #pythonprogramming
#programmingforbeginners #introductiontocomputing #programming #technology #basicsofprogamming #beginners #learning #pythonforbegginer #pythonforbegginers


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