Tailwind with Next.js: Setup, JIT and critical tips

Learn how to set up Tailwind.css, the popular styling framework, with a Next.js app!

Featuring Just-in-Time mode, colour aliases & components!

Highlighted software:
Tailwind.css: https://tailwindcss.com/
Next.js: https://nextjs.org/

I’ve remixed Anticipation by Future Joust for the background music.

See the code: https://github.com/jmagrippis/tailwind-with-next

No affiliations whatsoever: if I show something, you know you’re hearing my unfiltered thoughts

My own website: https://magrippis.com/


00:00 – Let’s use Tailwind with Next.js!
01:09 – Initial setup
04:53 – Colour aliases
06:48 – Components
11:44 – Bouncy buttons
12:10 – Next up…

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLljuUW0RkY

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