How to use Command Line | Complete Terminal Tutorial (Windows | MAC | Ubuntu)

Notes –
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your computer’s command line interface? In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about using the command line on Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to level up your terminal skills, this video has you covered!
Topics Covered:
* cd [directory]
* Change the current working directory.
* pwd
* Print the current working directory.
* ls
* List files and directories in the current directory.
* ls -l
* List files and directories in long format.
* ls -a
* List all files and directories, including hidden ones.
* cd ..
* Move up one directory level.
* cd ~
* Navigate to the user’s home directory.
* mkdir [directory]
* Create a new directory.
* touch [file]
* Create a new empty file.
* rm [file/directory]
* Remove a file or directory.
* mv [source] [destination]
* Move or rename files/directories.
* cp [source] [destination]
* Copy files or directories.
* find [directory] -name [filename]
* Search for files or directories by name.
* cat [file]
* Display the contents of a file.
* more [file] or less [file]
* View a file one screen at a time.
* nano [file]
* Open the Nano text editor to edit a file.
* vim [file]
* Open the Vim text editor to edit a file.
* emacs [file]
* Open the Emacs text editor to edit a file.
* ps
* List running processes.
* kill [PID]
* Terminate a process by its process ID.
* top
* Display a dynamic view of system processes.
* ping [hostname/IP]
* Test network connectivity.
* ifconfig
* Display network interface configuration.
* netstat
* Display network statistics.
* ssh [user@hostname]
* Securely connect to a remote server using SSH.
* scp [file] [user@hostname:path]
* Securely copy files to/from a remote server.
* brew install [package]
* Install software packages using Homebrew (if installed).
* brew update
* Update Homebrew packages.
* df
* Display disk space usage.
* du [directory]
* Display disk usage of a specific directory.
* history
* Display a list of previously executed commands.
* clear
* Clear the Terminal screen.
* open [file]
* Open a file with its default application.
* man [command]
* Display the manual page for a specific command.
Whether you’re working with macOS Terminal, Windows PowerShell, or Ubuntu Terminal, this tutorial has got you covered. Don’t miss out on mastering the command line – watch now!
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