“Removing Custom Linux Kernels in Ubuntu-Based Distributions – Step-by-Step Guide”

This video covers a method of removing custom Linux kernels such as Liquorix and Xanmod using Synaptic Package Manager in Ubuntu based distributions.

Step 1. Check Running Kernel & Switch Kernel

Before removing any kernels, make sure that you are not currently booted into the kernel you wish to remove.

Check what kernel is in use with the following Terminal command:

uname -r

For an easy method for switching kernels on a system that uses GRUB, install Grub-Customizer from the distribution’s software store or using the following Terminal command:

sudo apt install grub-customizer

Unless you have a dual boot setup, the GRUB menu will be hidden, but you can enable by launching Grub Customizer, navigating to the General settings / advanced settings, adding the value of 1 to the GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE and saving.

Alternatively, if you are using Pop OS, you can bring up the System D Boot menu by holding down the Space key and selecting the kernel you wish to boot into.

Step 2. Removing the Custom Kernel

Install Synaptic Software Manager using your distribution’s software store, or with the following Terminal command:

sudo apt install synaptic

Next, launch the application and search for the name of the custom kernel, for example xanmod.

Right click on the entry or entries, mark them for removal, click the Apply button, and confirm to remove.

You can also use Synaptic to remove the custom kernel’s repository if you navigate to Settings / Repositories, highlight the entries, usually there are two, and click the Delete button.

#linux #xanmod #synaptic

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd6RSo5bAJQ

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