C Language Tutorial for Beginners (With Notes)

C Tutorial + Complete C Language Notes in English: In this C Language Complete Tutorial, we are going to learn c language from scratch. This C language tutorial will cover everything you need to learn to master c programming. C programming is the best language to learn for beginners. In fact, most of the Compilers and JVMs are written in C.
Download Notes: https://codewithharry.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/assets/169a3c58f3686106edca536bb56aa3b3.zip
C Cheatsheet: https://www.codewithharry.com/blogpost/c-cheatsheet
Course Contents & Agenda: 00:00
Chapter 0 – Introduction to Programming: 00:02:19
Chapter 1 – Variables, Constants & Keywords: 00:07:28
Chapter 1 – Practice Set: 00:56:40
Chapter 2 – Instructions & Operators: 01:10:05
Chapter 2 – Practice Set: 01:32:10
Chapter 3 – Conditional Instructions: 01:42:26
Chapter 3 – Practice Set: 02:23:56
Chapter 4 – Loop Control Instructions: 02:58:54
Chapter 4 – Practice Set: 03:49:14
Chapter 5 – Functions & Recursions: 04:11:24
Chapter 5 – Practice Set: 04:54:36
Project 1 – Guess The Number: 05:20:34
Chapter 6 – Pointers: 05:31:23
Chapter 6 – Practice Set: 06:21:22
Chapter 7 – Arrays: 06:41:38
Chapter 7 – Practice Set: 07:45:35
Project 2 – Snake, Water, Gun: 08:14:41
Chapter 8 – Strings: 08:24:23
Chapter 8 – Practice Set: 08:51:44
Chapter 9 – Structures: 09:05:10
Chapter 9 – Practice Set: 09:48:28
Chapter 10 – File I/O: 09:59:42
Chapter 10 – Practice Set: 10:17:12
Chapter 11 – Dynamic Memory Allocation: 10:27:21
Chapter 11 – Practice Set: 10:45:45

Download Notes + Source Code Here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qh534d4HeYGOtfQEmqyLuVFNRg4hMGdI/view?usp=sharing

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MF8L7ZxwRE

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