sudo python command not found ubuntu

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Title: Resolving “sudo: python: command not found” on Ubuntu
If you’ve encountered the error message “sudo: python: command not found” on your Ubuntu system, it indicates that the ‘python’ command is not available in the system’s PATH when using the ‘sudo’ command. This issue can arise due to changes in system configurations or the absence of the ‘python’ executable. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to resolve this issue and ensure a smooth execution of Python commands with ‘sudo’ on Ubuntu.
Step 1: Verify Python Installation:
Ensure that Python is installed on your system. Open a terminal and run the following command:
If Python is installed, you should see the version number. If not, install Python using the following command:
Step 2: Check Python3 Installation:
Recent versions of Ubuntu use Python 3 by default. Verify its installation:
If Python 3 is not installed, install it with:
Step 3: Update the ‘sudo’ Configuration:
Edit the sudoers file to ensure that the ‘python’ and ‘python3’ commands are allowed with ‘sudo’. Open the sudoers file using the visudo command:
Add the following lines at the end of the file:
Save and exit the editor.
Step 4: Verify ‘sudo python’ and ‘sudo python3’:
Now, you should be able to use ‘sudo’ with both ‘python’ and ‘python3’ commands. Test it by running:
If you still encounter issues, consider updating your system packages:
By following these steps, you should have resolved the “sudo: python: command not found” issue on your Ubuntu system. This tutorial ensures that Python commands can be executed with ‘sudo’ without encountering command not found errors.
Title: Resolving “sudo: python: command not found” in Ubuntu
If you’ve encountered the error message “sudo: python: command not found” on your Ubuntu system, it’s likely due to the absence of the Python interpreter in the default path for the root user. This tutorial will guide you through resolving this issue and ensuring that you can use Python with sudo on your Ubuntu system.
Step 1: Check Python Installation:
First, make sure that Python is installed on your system. You can do this by running the following command:
If Python is not installed, you can install it using the package manager. For Python 3, use:
Step 2: Locate the Python Binary:
Find the path to the Python binary on your system. You can do this with the which command:
This will output the path to the Python binary (e.g., /usr/bin/python3). Take note of this


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