Python Tutorial: Introduction To Learn Python Tutorial

This tutorial has been updated to Python 3.7 at

Introduction to Learn Python Tutorial

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Learn Python Tutorial was started on February 18, 2015. This website is devoted to teaching you the Python Programming Language to be more exact we are going to teach you Python 3. This will not be an overview of the Python Language but an in depth Python tutorial teaching you everything you need to know to become a skilled Python programmer. This is the ultimate beginners Python tutorial but we do not end there we will take you all the way up to the most talented Python programmer. You do not have to have any prior programming experience to follow these tutorials. If you start with the first video you will need to be able to follow a long with no problems. The reason why we have so many Python tutorial videos is because we take our time explaining everything about Python. This is the main reason you do not need any programming experience to learn Python when you follow our Python tutorials. We will begin by explaining what the Python programming language always is and work our way up to building real life Python programs. Our Python video tutorials take baby steps and we work through everything in the Python language. We will cover Python strings, list, numbers, dictionaries and tuples. We will focus on each of Python’s built-in functions and methods. We will demonstrate how to build your own functions in Python. Our website also has several features that will enforce your knowledge like our Python quizzes or our Python glossary. Each of our Python tutorials features a video tutorial, a text tutorial and a Python quiz. We will also cover Django and a ton of other Python applications in these tutorials. Before we can jump into Django, we need to make sure you’re extremely skilled in Python. We will not only make you a skilled programmer will also make you a skilled web developer using the Django web framework. If you are willing to learn Python then this tutorial series is for you. We will be focusing on Python 3 throughout these tutorials since we believe Python 3 is the future of Python.

If you ever are issues about any of our Python Tutorials please leave us a comment on our Youtube page or visit our website. We are there to help you learn Python and we will not leave you out to dry. Do not forget to subscribe our Youtube Channel on average we add five new Python Tutorials a week so you will not want to miss these free Python Tutorials. We hope you enjoy and learn everything you can from us. Thank you
Learn Python Tutorial Team


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