Solve any Series Program in Python

In this video we explain how to solve any series program in Python using a simply template.

00:00 – Solve any Series Program in Python
00:17 – Understand Basic Series
01:48 – Building Series Template
03:42 – Arithmetic Series
04:51 – 1+2+3+4…N
05:19 – 9+13+17…N
07:33 – 2+4+6+8…20
07:49 – 1+3+5+7…N
07:59 – 10+9+8…1
08:41 – x^1+x^2+x^3+x^4…N
09:37 – 9!/7+13!/7+17!/x…N
10:23 – 2^x+4^x+6^x+8^x…20
10:50 – 1^3/x+3^3/x+5^3/x+7^3/x…N
11:17 – 2/10+4/9+6/8+8/7…20/1
12:20 – Geometric Series
12:50 – 2+4+8+16…N
14:04 – 2+6+18+54…N
14:41 – 10+30+90+270…N
15:04 – 5+25+125…N
15:40 – x/2+x/4+x/8+x/16…N
16:17 – 2-6+18-54…N
17:23 – (x+2/10)+(x+4/30)+(x+6/90)+…N
18:30 – ((x*5^2)/(1+2!))+((x*25^2)/(2+3!))+…N


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