Learn Laravel PHP framework from very basics to advanced using Laravel Livewire by creating advanced todo list project in this full course in 6.5 hours
This course is valid for Laravel 8 also, just change the route in the new way, https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/routing#basic-routing
(00:00) Welcome to the Course
1. (7:08) Install and Setup
2. (14:36) Routes and Blade File
3. (23:26) What the heck is MVC
4. (31:16) Database Connection and Migrations
5. (38:59) Raw SQL Queries
6. (46:14) Eloquent ORM Crud
7. (56:43) Mass Assignment Security
8. (1:03:49) Accessor and Mutators
9. (1:10:44) Install First Part Package – Laravel UI
10. (1:20:29) Blade Template Engine
11. (1:27:54) Laravel Configurations
12. (1:35:50) All Configurations
13. (1:43:44) Upload Image for User
14. (1:54:59) Store User Avatar
15. (2:05:20) Show User Avatar
16. (2:11:58) Remove Old Image
17. (2:22:10) Flash Session
18. (2:28:16) Blade Include subview
19. (2:34:35) Todo List Mini Project part 1
20. (2:43:00) Todo List Mini Project 2 | Views
21. (2:51:57) Todo List Mini Project 3 | Store
22. (2:57:27) Todo List Mini Project 4 | Validations
23. (3:07:43) Todo List Mini Project 5 | Form Validation
24. (3:12:40) Todo List Mini Project 6 | Show All Todo
25. (3:20:36) Todo List Mini Project 7 | Dynamic Route Parameter
26. (3:30:13) Todo List Mini Project 8 | Route Model Binding
27. (3:35:10) Todo List Mini Project 9 | Named Routes
28. (3:43:08) Todo List Mini Project 10 | Update Todo validation
29. (3:49:00) Todo List Mini Project 11 | Complete A Todo
30. (3:56:40) Todo List Mini Project 12 | Using Core Javascript
31. (4:06:19) Todo List Mini Project 13 | Mark as Incomplete
32. (4:10:52) Todo List Mini Project 14 | Delete the task
33. (4:19:19) Todo List Mini Project 15 | Resource Routes
34. (4:28:38) Todo List Mini Project 16 | Middlewares
35. (4:35:00) Todo List Mini Project 17 | Create with Relationship
36. (4:39:54) Todo List Mini Project 18 | One to Many Relationship
37. (4:49:56) Todo List Mini Project 19 | Todo of Auth User Only
38. (4:55:53) Todo List Mini Project 20 | Redirect To Todo after Login
39. (5:04:50) Todo List Mini Project 21 | Add Description to Todo
40. (5:11:40) Todo List Mini Project 22 | Show each todo list details
41. (5:19:58) Todo List Mini Project 23 | Introduction to Laravel LiveWire
42. (5:23:46) Todo List Mini Project 24 | How Livewire works 2
43. (5:33:00) Todo List Mini Project 25 | Multiple Input Field Livewire 3
44. (5:40:33) Todo List Mini Project 26 | Pass Value to Livewire 4
45. (5:48:43) Todo List Mini Project 27 | Todo has Many Steps
46. (5:54:26) Todo List Mini Project 28 | Create Many Steps
47. (6:00:20) Todo List Mini Project 29 | Show each steps
48. (6:06:24) Todo List Mini Project 30
49. (6:12:07) Todo List Mini Project 31 | Livewire Edit Steps
50. (6:18:30)
Todo List Mini Project 32 | Update Step on Livewire
Check out 15-20 hours of Laravel Content at
Individual Videos of this course – everything you need to know
Useful Links:
Docs: https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/releases
Source Code: https://github.com/bitfumes/laravel-7-for-beginner
Github: https://github.com/laravel/laravel
Mohammad Said Artical: https://divinglaravel.com/authentication-and-laravel-airlock
Get $100 in credit for 60 days https://m.do.co/c/a3a47da9b9a8
Gadgets I use
Camera https://amzn.to/3mGikwL
Blue Yeti Mic https://amzn.to/3mA6YdI
Blue Yeti Mic Foam Cover https://amzn.to/2GkmV8w
Capture Card https://amzn.to/3ed3cnN
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