Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginners [FULL COURSE in 4 Hours]

Full Kubernetes Tutorial | Kubernetes Course | Hands-on course with a lot of demos
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#kubernetes #techworldwithnana

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▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S ⏰ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 – Course Overview
2:18 – What is K8s
5:20 – Main K8s Components
22:29 – K8s Architecture
34:47 – Minikube and kubectl – Local Setup
44:52 – Main Kubectl Commands – K8s CLI
1:02:03 – K8s YAML Configuration File
1:16:16 – Demo Project: MongoDB and MongoExpress
1:46:16 – Organizing your components with K8s Namespaces
2:01:52 – K8s Ingress explained
2:24:17 – Helm – Package Manager
2:38:07 – Persisting Data in K8s with Volumes
2:58:38 – Deploying Stateful Apps with StatefulSet
3:13:43 – K8s Services explained

▬▬▬▬▬▬ COURSE OVERVIEW ▬▬▬▬▬▬
What is Kubernetes
► What problems does Kubernetes solve?
► What features do container orchestration tools offer?

Main K8s Components
► Node & Pod
► Service & Ingress
► ConfigMap & Secret
► Volumes
► Deployment & StatefulSet

K8s Architecture
► Worker Nodes
► Master Nodes
► Api Server
► Scheduler
► Controller Manager
► etcd – the cluster brain

Minikube and kubectl – Local Setup
► What is minikube?
► What is kubectl?
► install minikube and kubectl
► create and start a minikube cluster

– Install Minikube (Mac, Linux and Windows): https://bit.ly/38bLcJy
– Install Kubectl: https://bit.ly/32bSI2Z
– Gitlab: If you are using Mac, you can follow along the commands. I listed them all here: https://bit.ly/3oZzuHY

Main Kubectl Commands – K8s CLI
► Get status of different components
► create a pod/deployment
► layers of abstraction
► change the pod/deployment
► debugging pods
► delete pod/deployment
► CRUD by applying configuration file

– Git repo link of all the commands: https://bit.ly/3oZzuHY

K8s YAML Configuration File
► 3 parts of a Kubernetes config file (metadata, specification, status)
► format of configuration file
► blueprint for pods (template)
► connecting services to deployments and pods (label & selector & port)
► demo

– Git repo link: https://bit.ly/2JBVyIk

Demo Project
► Deploying MongoDB and Mongo Express
► MongoDB Pod
► Secret
► MongoDB Internal Service
► Deployment Service and Config Map
► Mongo Express External Service

– Git repo link: https://bit.ly/3jY6lJp

Organizing your components with K8s Namespaces
► What is a Namespace?
► 4 Default Namespaces
► Create a Namespace
► Why to use Namespaces? 4 Use Cases
► Characteristics of Namespaces
► Create Components in Namespaces
► Change Active Namespace

– Install Kubectx: https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx#installation

K8s Ingress explained
► What is Ingress? External Service vs. Ingress
► Example YAML Config Files for External Service and Ingress
► Internal Service Configuration for Ingress
► How to configure Ingress in your cluster?
► What is Ingress Controller?
► Environment on which your cluster is running (Cloud provider or bare metal)
► Demo: Configure Ingress in Minikube
► Ingress Default Backend
► Routing Use Cases
► Configuring TLS Certificate

– Git Repo: https://bit.ly/3mJHVFc
– Ingress Controllers: https://bit.ly/32dfHe3
– Ingress Controller Bare Metal: https://bit.ly/3kYdmLB

Helm – Package Manager
► Package Manager and Helm Charts
► Templating Engine
► Use Cases for Helm
► Helm Chart Structure
► Values injection into template files
► Release Management / Tiller (Helm Version 2!)

– Helm hub: https://hub.helm.sh/
– Helm charts GitHub Project: https://github.com/helm/charts
– Install Helm: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/

Persisting Data in K8s with Volumes
► The need for persistent storage & storage requirements
► Persistent Volume (PV)
► Local vs Remote Volume Types
► Who creates the PV and when?
► Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)
► Levels of volume abstractions
► ConfigMap and Secret as volume types
► Storage Class (SC)

– Git Repo: https://bit.ly/2Gv3eLi

Deploying Stateful Apps with StatefulSet
► What is StatefulSet? Difference of stateless and stateful applications
► Deployment of stateful and stateless apps
► Deployment vs StatefulSet
► Pod Identity
► Scaling database applications: Master and Worker Pods
► Pod state, Pod Identifier
► 2 Pod endpoints

K8s Services
► What is a Service in K8s and when we need it?
► ClusterIP Services
► Service Communication
► Multi-Port Services
► Headless Services
► NodePort Services
► LoadBalancer Services

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X48VuDVv0do

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